OmniPage Pro 8.0 for Macintosh Scanning Support Updater – for older scanner models
This program updater adds the ability for OmniPage Pro 8.0 for Macintosh to scan with many older, but still popular scanner models. Included are scanner selections that should work with many Apple compatible models-- even though they are not officially supported with OmniPage Pro 8.0. This means that we cannot guarantee that these added scanner selections will work necessarily. A complete list of the added scanner selections is listed below in the UPDATED SCANNER OPTIONS section. All added scanner selections will be marked in OmniPage Pro's scanner selection window with an asterisk (*).
The added scanner selections will only allow OmniPage Pro to scan monochrome (black and white) and grayscale images at 300 d.p.i.. In some cases, 'Color' will be available as an option for scanning in the Settings Panel, but this probably will not work. Scanning with the color setting may even crash the program. Note: Color images can always be obtained by using another scanning program, saving out in a TIFF or PICT image file, and loading into OmniPage Pro for processing. See page 3-5 in the OmniPage Pro manual for specific instructions on loading image files into OmniPage Pro.
This installer only updates OmniPage Pro program files, and does not load the drivers necessary for the new settings to work. These drivers can be obtained in most cases, either from Caere (included in older versions of Caere programs, on the Caere web page, or by contacting Product Support) or the scanner manufacturer. The specific drivers for each new setting listed in the UPDATED SCANNER OPTIONS section must be active in the Extensions folder of the System Folder for the new setting to work.
1. Double-click on OmniPage Scan Updater-Ancient to start the updater.
2. Click Continue at the OmniPage Pro 8.0 screen.
3. Click Continue at the OmniPage Scanner Support Updater screen.
4. Click Accept once you have read the license agreement.
5. Click Install to complete the update of the scanner support files.
6. When the installation has completed successfully, restart the Macintosh.
7. Start OmniPage Pro 8.0.
8. Choose Select Scanner from the Settings menu of OmniPage Pro.
9. Choose your scanner from the list of scanners. An asterisk (*) will follow the added scanner model options. NOTE: If the driver is not installed properly or is named differently from what is listed in the UPDATED SCANNER OPTIONS chart, you will not see the scanner selection listed. Use the chart below to check what extensions must be installed on your system. Also, see the comment labeled "IMPORTANT" following the chart with regards to driver name requirements.
10. Click on Verify to test your scanner. A Selected Scanner window indicates that the driver is working. Click OK.
11. Now you should be able to scan directly into OmniPage Pro 8.0 using your scanner.
IMPORTANT: For scanning selections using anything other than Apple Scan with a low-level driver, the driver located in the Extensions folder in System Folder must be named exactly as shown in the chart. For instance, it may be necessary to remove a version number from driver already installed or downloaded from the web. An example of this applies to the Microtek Scan driver. If this file has been obtained from Caere, there is a version number of either "1.28" or "1.30" appended to the end of the driver name. In this case rename the file from "Microtek Scan 1.30" to "Microtek Scan."
Special consideration: If attempting to use any of the above settings and the program is unable to verify or scan with the drivers loaded, then there may be an extensions conflict interfering with the scanner driver(s). In this case, you will at least need to create a custom extension set to start your Mac with whenever using OmniPage Pro. Use steps 1-6 of the following extension troubleshooting procedure to create a custom extension set. Please follow the rest of the procedure if you are interested in isolating the extension conflict.
An extension conflict has been determined to be the cause of a problem with your Caere application. Now, it remains to determine exactly which extension is causing the conflict. Extensions Manager is present on the system.
Use the following procedure:
Step 1. Pull down the Apple menu and look for Control Panels.
Step 2. Choose Extensions Manager.
Step 3. If you are using Mac OS 7.5.5 or below, look for the word 'Sets:' with a box next to it. Click on the box, and select 'Save Set..." Name the current selection. If you are using Mac OS 8.x, click on the 'Selected Set:' pop-up menu, and highlight 'Mac OS 8.x base'. Click on the 'Duplicate Set' button. Name the new set.
Step 4. If you are using Mac OS 7.5.5 or below, select 'All Off'. If you are using Mac OS 8.x, proceed to the next step.
Step 5. Look for your scanner extensions in the list and click on them. See the drivers listed in the "Updated Scanner Options" table above. This will put a check mark next to the extension. (Some scanners have more than one extension, especially if they are running as an Apple compatible. Scanners such as Relisys and Umax will run with the AppleScan extension loaded from Caere's software and a scanner extension provided by the scanner manufacturer).
Step 6. Restart the Mac. Start OmniPage Pro, select your scanner, and you should now be able to scan. Once finished with OmniPage Pro you may want to reselect your previous extension set and restart before attempting to run other programs. You have now also set the stage to start looking for the Extension or Control Panel causing the conflict.
Step 7. Go to the Apple Menu items and look for Control Panels.
Step 8. Choose Extensions Manager.
Step 9. Click on the first five extensions unchecked Extensions or Control Panels in the list. This will put a check mark next to them.
Step 10. Restart the Mac.
Step 11. Try running the program.
Step 12. If the program runs without problems, repeat steps 7 to 11.
Step 13. If the program does not run, go back into the Apple Menu items and look for Control Panels.
Step 14. Click on Extensions Manager.
Step 15. Click on the last extension or control panel that has a check mark next to it, excluding your scanner extensions.
Step 16. Restart the Mac.
Step 17. Try running the program.
Step 18. If software continues to have problems repeat steps 13 to 17.
Step 19. If program works you have just found the Extension or Control Panel causing the problem.
Once you have found the conflicting Control Panel or Extension: You will need to determine if this is a file that you need on a regular basis. If it is, you will need to pull it to the desktop and restart your computer whenever you want to run your Caere application. When finished, replace the file and restart the Mac again. If this is not a file that you need regularly, you may want to consider simply leaving the file out of the System folder most of the time.
For additional assistance with any of the procedures in this documentation, please call Caere Product Support at (408) 395-8319.